Certified Quality


eLocalize is certified as compliant with the standards of ISO 9001 since 2008.
Our auditor is the British institute ATC Certification Limited.

At eLocalize, translation department, DTP department and project management are ISO 17100 certified.

Certification of our MTPE services in accordance with ISO 18587 is in preparation.


Translation Quality

All our translators are tested and selected native speakers of the target languages with academic qualifications from universities and language colleges either regional or international, all working in their specialized fields. Their performance with regard to the quality of the delivered work, on time delivery, responsiveness and general execution is evaluated on an ongoing basis.

We have experience in terminology work and the use of online/offline termbases. We use Trados or other common CAT tools and perform all QA procedures to ensure delivery of accurate and consistent translations.

Engineering Quality

The engineering department team has a flexible work structure utilizing the latest tools to perform format changes or data extraction, verifying the results with QA tools. They have the requisite skills for localizing websites, software (GUI) and web applications, as well as creating their own tools for custom testing or custom applications.

Project Management

Project managers at eLocalize  are part of an experienced team. Each has extensive knowledge of CAT tools, alignment, termbases, language variants and cultural conditions in our various target regions. In addition, they have a profound understanding of tools, requirements and constraints in layout, engineering and DTP tasks.

Applications and Websites

Software and websites created by our engineers go through defined testing processes and quality assurance procedures. These ensure their stability and appearance in all languages and technical environments in every situation.


Our digital and audio transcription services aim to deliver files with a high level of accuracy; naturally, this depends on the quality of the recording supplied being both clear and audible. A good quality audio means your transcription will be more accurate and completed faster. We can of course improve the quality of an audio by post-production engineering but only within certain limits. At the same time, secure file transfer via our company’s FTP server ensures a safe upload of your files.  

Data Security

Our secure network and servers ensure that your documents are well protected at all times. Upon demand, data exchange can be encrypted via secure data transmission. Data exchange with internal and external resources uses our secured WAN and the Plunet Business Manager. 

Access to our Cairo offices is restricted to employees with electronic cards; in addition to this, the project management office is locked and accessible only by special authorization. We have separate networks, and upload and download data through standalone workstations.